
月曜日に私は風邪ひいたので、今までLang-8を使わなかったんです。普段、夜に私はLang-8を使っていますが、早く治るために早く寝ました。水曜日に治り始めたものの、昨夜や今朝はまた悪くなりました。私の耳には、飛行機に乗るように圧力があります。私が風邪とひくとき、そういう問題はめったにありません。この状態は日本語で言うか知りませんが、英語で、「my ears have popped」と言います。
I Caught a Cold

I haven't been on Lang-8 recently because I caught a cold on Monday. Normally, I spend my evenings on Lang-8, but I had to go to bed early so I could get some sleep and recover quickly. I started to feel better on Wednesday, but then I felt bad again last night and this morning. I don't normally have this problem with colds, but my ears have had a lot of pressure, like when you ride a plane. I don't know what that's called in Japanese, but in English, I would say that "my ears have popped."