ナイジェル・スレイターの簡潔で素敵なアドバイス  第3話



This week, I'm writing about some advice from the famous English cook Nigel Slater. Today, I will talk about number 3. Let's continue.

3. Never neglect the bottom of a roasting tin: there is much flavour in those crisp bits and pieces and roasted meat juices.

A roasting pan is a large, deep pot that you put in the oven. You cook large pieces of meat with it. Usually, the meat is placed on a wire rack, so juices and small pieces of meat accumulate at the bottom. From these ingredients, it's possible to make a tasty sauce. Really though, I rarely roast, but when I do, I make a sauce only sometimes. Out of the five tips, I think this one is the one I will use the least.